
“Oltea Doamna” Technological High School is located in Dolhasca, Suceava County. This unit operates in different buildings and has several structures in different areas such as Dolhasca, Probota, Valea Poienii and Poienari. It includes pre-school, primary, secondary and high school education with a total number of 1,162 students, divided as follows:

Preschools operate with 7 groups of children, 4 located in Dolhasca, 2 in Probota and 1 in Poienari.
The primary schools operate with 15 classes, 8 located in Dolhasca, 5 in Probota, 1 in Poienari and 1 in Valea Poienii.
The middle school operates with 15 classes, 9 located in Dolhasca and 6 in Probota
The high school operates with 17 classes, theoretical and real branch and also technological branch.
The 54 study formations are composed of a number of 103 people, 77 teachers, 8 auxiliary staff, 18 non-teaching staff.

The main activity of the school is education, which includes children and young people aged between 3 and 20 years.
We collaborate with several NGOs from Suceava County, such as the Bucovina Institute, in the field of inclusion of vulnerable groups such as Roma children and the ACDC Association, we run a Multifunctional Social Center for young people at risk in the Dolhasca community.